"Yeah, your folks were good people. Bold, adventurous, good at heart. But, I'll be honest, they were reckless. If I had a kid, I wouldn't leave them behind to go traipsing off into the Osirian desert like that, not when I have a kid at home."
Your parents were famous Pathfinders. The stories of their exploits are written about in more than one Pathfinder Chronicle edition and they have a library in Absolom named after them. Unfortunately it was named posthumously. See, your folks went off on an expedition to Osirion when you were little and never came back. The Society eventually sprung for a few divinations to determine whether they were alive or not, and it came up soundly not. Worst thing about all this is... nobody knows what they were looking for.
NPCs associated with the Pathfinder Society have a starting attitude one level higher towards you.
You begin play with a wayfinder.
What You've Gotten Yourself Into
Your parents are extremely famous. Not only for their successful expeditions to places all over the world, but also for the one they never came back from. I guess that part's more infamy.
You inherited a wayfinder that belonged to one of your parents. The inside lid has seven vertical lines scratched into it, above which is scratched an open eye with diagonal rays radiating down from it.
Yeah, that sounds important. Unfortunately, nobody knows what it represents. But your parents never left home without their wayfinders, so it feels intentional. Like a message, or a warning. Just... a really opaque one.
Members of the Society are good to you, even the ones who are generally shitty to everyone else. Most of them speak fondly of your parents, and the ones that don't keep it to themselves when you're around.
The mystery of what happened to your parents is a long one. They were always traveling, sometimes taking you with them, sometimes not. But they left no trace of their expedition when they departed for the last time, save that the ship they chartered from Almas was bound for Osirion.
But that was years ago, and by the time you were old enough to investigate their disappearance the trail had already gone cold.
Who You Are
Whether you chose to follow in your parents footsteps or not you're a Pathfinder. The Society sort of adopted you when your parents disappeared and you count a number of Venture Lieutenants and Venture Captains as extended family.
This affords you a number of privileges that elude most people: You can come and go from official Pathfinder places of business as if you were an inducted member, you're respected by field agents, you can probably call in a favor or two from more seasoned members of the Society.
Eventually that social currency is going to run out, but for now you've managed to hold on to the lion's share of it. But there's some people within the Society that chafe at your parents' lineage and see you as an unwelcome reminder of it.
You get the impression your parents might have been involved in some shit when they were younger. Shit they didn't talk about, shit that didn't make it into the fluffed-up Chronicles. You're just not sure what that shit is.
But you have a pretty good feeling if you ask the right person, shake the right tree, or pry behind the right door you'll be able to find out.