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"In an extraordinary world, an ordinary hero is a revolutionary one."


Ability Scores

Ability scores are generated with the point buy system and players are allocated 25 points to distribute on their starting ability scores. This high pool represents that your ordinary hero has the potential to become something extraordinary.

Character Wealth

Characters start with the average of wealth for their starting class, modified by any traits.




One way The Eye of Eternity differentiates its heroes from other adventures is their potential for ordinary beginnings. An optional rule you may choose to use is the Humble Beginnings mechanic. If you choose to opt into this system, you will begin play as one of the basic NPC classes (Adept, Commoner, Expert, or Warrior). Starting at 2nd level you may begin leveling in another class. You may at any time after this point spend 7 days (with no additional GP cost) to retrain out of your NPC class to gain another level in a PC class.


Characters who opt into this system gain 2 additional skill points at 1st level and may take 1 additional trait.


The Eye of Eternity is a long, travel-focused campaign that will not stay in one geographical area for the entirety of the campaign. As such you will be traveling to many different countries, each with their own languages and customs. You will likely encounter a wide number of creature types and terrains, though the following are considered to be common enough to be recommended as choices for favored terrain and favored enemy class features:

Favored Enemy Recommendations: Construct, Humanoid (human), Outsider, Undead

Favored Terrain Recommendations: Cold, Underground, Urban


You may play any race available in Pathfinder for The Eye of Eternity, but fitting with the theme of ordinary heroes, character race choices should ideally adhere to options common to the starting region of the campaign in Andoran, while others may require additional background work to fit in to the setting. As such Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, and Halflings are most common with Dwarves, Gnomes, and Half-Orcs slightly less common, none of which require additional GM consideration. Races outside of these will require light collaboration with the GM to fit them in.


While your character may worship any deity in The Eye of Eternity some deities are particularly appropriate to the campaign and will have deeper potential connections:

  • Alseta

  • Brigh

  • Iomedae

  • Pharasma

  • Razmir


You may take 2 character traits and one campaign trait at 1st level (with an bonus non-campaign trait if you opt to use the Humble Beginnings rule). If you feel a specific trait is appropriate to your character but it has a regional, religion, or race quality that would make it unavailable to your character, talk with the GM and we'll find a way to make it work!


As The Eye of Eternity focuses on travel and exploration you won't always have access to major cities or large markets to buy, sell, or trade magic items you find along your journey. It's advisable not to build a character around the hope of getting a specific kind of magic gear unless you also intend on taking feats like Craft Wondrous Item. That said, there will be sufficient downtime over the course of the campaign to benefit from crafting feats, so take that into consideration when building your character.


Additionally, The Eye of Eternity will feature a revolving cast of support NPCs who will come and go from the story that may, for a time, fill specific party niches. So when you're building your character, don't worry about trying to build toward an ideal "party dynamic" with a tank, healer, and damaging party members. If you wind up with a party of all fighters it'll all work out!

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