"I told you all I know. It was the middle of the night and I hear a roar of thunder outside, woke me from a sound sleep. Not long after that there was a knock at the door, and when I went to see who it was... there you were, all swaddled up in a blanket."
You don't know where you came from. The way Mother Wylder tells it, she found you swaddled in a blanket on the front stoop of the Shalebridge Orphanage in the Lower Aeries as a baby. You were raised within the orphanage's walls and... to be honest it wasn't great. Mother Wylder is an outright vindictive, horrible person and you were honestly glad to be out of there when you were. You try not to think about her too often.
You automatically stabilize when brought below 0 hp.
Once per day you may reroll a failed Knowledge check.
What You've Gotten Yourself Into
Mother Wylder (pronounced Will-der) is the head of the Shalebridge Orphanage in the Lower Aeries. It's a jam-packed facility full of war orphans. It's downright horrible and someone should do something about it.
Mother Wylder isn't actually a religious figure of any kind. She just likes to be called Mother because she's a self-obsessed narcissist who loves controlling people.
And wow did she dislike you. Almost on a personal level. You're fairly certain you didn't do anything to earn that amount of ire, but what do I know? Maybe you did. Maybe you were a little shit.
Or maybe Wylder really is just terrible and you tried to make the best of a bad situation. With the world in the state it's in, it's not like a child had many other options.
The other orphans had it pretty bad. But maybe you were the type to take the worst of it yourself to spare them. I bet more than one would be really grateful to you in the future if you did.
But then again, you might've been a self-serving jerk, in which case those fellow orphans you stole from—did you steal from your own fellow orphans?—might just hold a grudge.
Who You Are
That's a good question. No, I mean, it's really good. You have no idea where you came from, who your parents are, what they did with their lives. The worst part? The GM already knows the answer.
You've been plagued with weird dreams your whole life. Not weird like, surreal, but weird like difficult to distinguish from being awake. Sometimes you dream of far off battlefields full of fantastical creatures. Other times you dream of cities made from glass floating on amber clouds. But it all feels so real.
You probably should be dead a couple times over. That time you fell out of the tree and landed on your head? The time you got kicked by a horse? That time you fell out of that same tree again—stop climbing that tree! But really, you're tough as nails and surprise people with your survivability.
Which, if I might say, may have given you a bit of a complex. Maybe you don't think you're invincible but you definitely laugh in the face of danger more than most people keenly aware of their own mortality do.
You could say you feel like you were destined for something great, but it might not feel like you've accomplished anything of the sort yet. But there's still time. There's always time.